Virtual Living Lab – An Open Lab for Science Innovation and Super-Large Scale Collection of Human Driving and Travel Behavior DataTokyo-Brisbane Live Double-Launch of iCO2 eco-safe driving practice tool
Researchers from the National Institute of Informatics have developed the Virtual Living Lab, an experimental and participatory three-dimensional (3D) space, as part of the “Global Lab” NII Grand Challenge project. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Smart Transport Research Centre at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. A key driver of the Virtual Living Lab (VLL) is to contribute to eco-sustainable and optimized transportation. The difference to a traditional Living Lab is that our lab is embedded in a massively multiuser 3D virtual environment, also called 3D Internet, rather than the real world. Therefore, our Living Lab is “open” – it can be accessed by anyone, from anywhere, anytime. The Virtual Living Lab (VLL) comprises two complementary aspects. From the researchers’ perspective, the VLL is an experimental space for testing innovative technologies and policies in the transportation domain. The VLL supports realistic simulation of driving and traffic. Therefore, it enables scientists to accurately estimate the impact of smart Intelligent Transport System (ITS) measures on human driving behavior and traffic flow. From the users’ perspective, on the other hand, the VLL is a participatory space where “game-like” elements support the entertaining interaction of multiple users with each other and the environment. So, for the user it’s fun – and for the researcher it generates highly valuable data. |