About NII
NII Today
Classwork Digitalization for Data-Drven Education
HAKUI, Yoshinori and KITSUREGAWA, Masaru
Digital Transformation of Edication is Changing Social Norms!
Data Analytics is Shaping the Future of Education
SHIMADA, Atsushi; SHIGETA, Katsusuke; OGATA, Hiroaki; MORI, Kensaku
Future Directions from the Viewpoint of Educational Information Infrastructure
FUKAZAWA, Yoshiaki; KITA, Hajime; TAKEMURA, Harue; SUGANUMA, Takuo
[Secretariat Staff Speak]
Behind the Scenes of the "DX Symposium for Educational Institutions"
An Investment Money Analysis System to Ensure Economic Security
MIZUNO, Takayuki
Technical Challenges for Next-generation Mobile Networks
KANEKO, Megumi
The Search for the Shape of Virtual Space Continues
IKEHATA, Satoshi
A New Normal for the Next Generation, Due to COVID-19
No.94「Don't Stop the Education!」
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Publicity Team, Planning Division, General Affairs Department
National Center of Science 2-1-2Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430
E-mail: kouhou [at] nii.ac.jp
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