Event News

Talk on "Leveraging Low Earth Orbit Satellites for Future Ubiquitous Positioning" by Prof. Moustafa Youssef from the American University in Cairo

We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming seminar by Prof. Moustafa Youssef from the American University in Cairo titled:"Leveraging Low Earth Orbit Satellites for Future Ubiquitous Positioning" Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend!


Leveraging Low Earth Orbit Satellites for Future Ubiquitous Positioning


Designing a globally ubiquitous positioning system that works seamlessly in all environments remains a critical area of ongoing research. While Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as GPS, are the predominant technology for global outdoor positioning, they fail in areas with physical obstructions (e.g., dense urban regions and indoors) and are prone to jamming. These limitations significantly restrict their global accessibility and dependability, highlighting the need for supplementary positioning technologies.

Recently, private companies like SpaceX have started deploying Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites for various applications, primarily communication.
LEO satellites operate at much lower altitudes than GNSS satellites, offering higher signal penetration capabilities and reduced susceptibility to jamming, making them a promising complementary positioning technology.
In this talk, I will present our vision for opportunistically leveraging LEO satellite signals to achieve ubiquitous and reliable global positioning. I will highlight diverse opportunities enabled by our vision and discuss the multi-disciplinary challenges that must be addressed for its realization.

Speaker Bio:

Moustafa Youssef is a professor at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.
He is the founder & director of the Wireless Research Center of Excellence, Egypt. His research interests include mobile wireless networks, mobile computing, location determination technologies, pervasive computing, and quantum computing. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE TMC and ACM TSAS, served as the Lead Guest Editor of the IEEE Computer Special Issue on Transformative Technologies and an Area Editor of ACM MC2R as well as on the organizing and technical committees of numerous prestigious conferences. He is the recipient of the 2003 University of Maryland Invention of the Year award, the 2010 TWAS-AAS-Microsoft Award for Young Scientists, the 2013 and 2014 COMESA Innovation Award, multiple Google Research Awards, among many others. He is also an IEEE and ACM Fellow.


14:00 - February 17 (Monday), 2025


Room 1512, NII, and online




If you would like to join, please contact by email.
Email :kei[at]nii.ac.jp
