
Fiscal 2018

Talk by Prof. Moustafa Youssef from Alexandra University, Egypt:
"A Robust and Ubiquitous Multi-Sensor Fusion-based Floor Localization System"
Talk by Assoc. Prof. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel from KTH:
"Introduction to lens and leaky-wave antennas designed at the KTH Royal institute of Technology"
10th CODH Seminar:
"Document Analysis and Character Recognition"
Talk by Prof. Jiannong Cao from Hong Kong Polytechnic University:
"When IoT Meets Big Data"
Talk by Prof. Lothar Reichel from Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University:
"The Arnoldi decomposition, GMRES, and preconditioning for linear discrete ill-posed problems"
Talk by Prof. JunFeng Yin from Tongji University:
"A class of positive-definte operator splitting iteration methods for variable-coefficient space-fractional diffusion equations"
The 12th DSC Seminar:
"Approximating Human Perception via Multimodal Data Streams"
9th CODH Seminar:
"Computer Vision with Limited Labeled Data"
Talk by Dr Catherine Ahearn of MIT Press/MIT Media Lab :
"Future of Knowledge and Publishing"
Talk by William E. Byrd from University of Alabama at Birmingham :
"mediKanren: an interactive biomedical reasoning system"
Talk by Prof. Taku Komura from University of Edinburgh:
"Learning Neural Character Controllers from Motion Capture Data"
Talk by Dr. Elaheh Pourabbas:
"Semantic Search based on Weighted Ontologies"
8th CODH Seminar: "Exploring Deep Learning for Classical Japanese Literature, Machine Creativity, and Recurrent World Models!"
The 2nd SPARC Japan Seminar 2018 (Open Access Summit 2018) "Quality Control in the Age of Open Science"
Talk by Prof. Chin-Ya Huang on "Reliable Realtime Streaming in Vehicular Cloud-Fog Computing Networks"
Talk by Prof. Jeremy Gibbons from Oxford University: "Asymmetric Numeral Systems"
Project colloquium by Chao Huang
Talk by Prof. Guenter Mueller from University of Freiburg: "Why business processes are not secure?"
Talk by Dr. Pontus Stenetorp (University College London): "Machine Reading"
The 1st SPARC Japan Seminar 2018 "To Promote a Data Management Policy and Roles of Researchers and Librarians"
TEI Conference & Members' Meeting 2018 (TEI2018)
Eighth Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2018)
Talk by Malena Landman from University of Bath: "Krylov methods and regularisation for large-scale inverse problems"
Talk by Jeremey Seligman on "Adventures in Social Epistemic Logic"
Talk by Lindon Roberts: "Improving the Flexibility and Robustness of Derivative-Free Optimization Solvers"
Talk by Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth on "The food we eat - a sensory science perspective about social media and communication challenges"
Talk by Dr. Juan F. Sequeda: "Integrating Semantic Web in the Real World: A journey between two cities"
Talk on extracting majority opinion in courts judgements
The 10th DSC Seminar "User Expertise Modelling Using Social Network Data"
7th CODH Seminar: "Manifold Mixup: Encouraging Meaningful On-Manifold Interpolation as a Regularizer"
Talk by Prof. Nobuko Yoshida: "On Polymorphic Sessions and Functions (ESOP 2018)"
AI talks by a group at Univ. College London
Talk by Prof. Castéran Pierre on Coq: "The hydra game: a formal development with the Coq proof assistant"
Shonan Meetings 100th Commemorative Symposium
Japan Open Science Summit 2018
The 9th DSC Seminar "Analyzing Nontextual Content Features to Detect Academic Plagiarism"
Project colloquium by Asst. Prof. Taro Sekiyama: "Towards automated proof synthesis for intuitionistic propositional logic with deep learning"
Lectures on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (AI)
Talk by Jeremy Dauphin on argumentation theory: "A dynamic approach for combining abstract argumentation semantics"
Project colloquium by Tomoo Yokoyama: "Topological methods for analyzing two dimensional flows"
Lecture meeting about Reinforcement Learning by AWS
Talk by Prof. Ren-Cang Li: "Doubling Algorithms, General Theory, and Applications"
Talk by Andre Uschmajew : "Gradient sampling for nonsmooth optimization on manifolds and varieties"
Project colloquium talk by Paolo Arcaini: "Decomposition-Based Approach for Model-Based Test Generation"
Talks by Dr. Kukelova and Prof. Pajdla
Project colloquium talk by Ichiro Hasuo : "Approximating Reachability Probabilities by (Super-)Martingales"
Talk by Prof. Pierre-Yves Schobbens: "Model-based mutation testing"
Talk by Prof. Helmut Schwichtenberg at NII Logic Seminar: "Logic for exact real arithmetic"