Event News
Talk on "Foundation Models for Medicine (and Education)" by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl
We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming seminar by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl titled : "Foundation Models for Medicine (and Education)" Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend!
Foundation Models for Medicine (and Education)
Two years ago, ChatGPT surprised the public with its capabilities, as well as quite a few researchers. While we have not reached Artificial General Intelligence / AGI with these models, application areas and systems building on foundation models as well as research on them have grown massively within the last two years.
In this talk, I will discuss two application areas which I have been focusing on in the last two years, medicine and education.
In the first (longer) part of the presentation, I will explore what large language models know about medicine, how they can be utilized, and what is still needed. In the second part, I will explore the potential of LLMs in school education and how they could enhance learning experiences in the near future.
Speaker Bio:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl (born 1960) has been a full professor of computer science at Leibniz Universität Hannover since 1995.
He studied Computer Science at the Vienna University of Technology and was Associate Professor at RWTH Aachen University from 1992 to 1995.
He worked as a visiting researcher / professor at Xerox PARC, Stanford University , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, EPFL Lausanne, PUC Rio, Trento and Politecnico di Milano. Prof. Nejdl heads the L3S research center, www.L3S.de, and conducts research in the fields of information retrieval, web science, artificial intelligence, social and semantic web, digital libraries and technology enhanced learning.
From 2014 to 2019, he was Principal Investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant ALEXANDRIA, where he worked on foundations for temporal search, exploration and analytics in web archives. Recent projects include NoBIAS, the International Leibniz Future Lab on Artificial Intelligence, with a particular focus on personalized medicine, and DAISEC, a European Digital Innovation Hub for innovation through AI and cybersecurity. Wolfgang Nejdl has published more than 450 scientific articles listed at DBLP, with an h-index (based on Google Scholar) of 79.
13:30-14:30 October 8 (Tuesday), 2024
Room 1810 NII and Online
Please register from the links below.
-Onsite (NII 1810)