Research field introductions

Foundations of Informatics

Developing Mathematical Theories Underpinning All of Informatics

Foundations of Informatics studies theoretical underpinnings of informatics. In addition to their intrinsic importance, basic theories in informatics serve as foundations for wide application areas, including networks, software, and artificial intelligence. Special emphasis is placed on algorithm theory, mathematical optimization, and mathematics about computer programs.

Research Introduction

Fast, Accurate, and Robust Algorithms Based on mathematical reasoning - Prof. YOSHIDA, Yuichi

As the performance of computers and algorithms has improved, algorithms are now used as tools for decision-making and knowledge discovery in a variety of fields. However, many of the algorithms used in practice are designed on an ad hoc basis, and their performance is unpredictable until they are actually put into operation. For example, there are no guarantees as to how long it will take to complete the process, how accurate the results will be, and how robust the results will be against noise that may be introduced into the input or processing. Our laboratory is analyzing algorithms using mathematics with the goal of realizing algorithms that are fast, accurate, and robust.

Keyword list
KWARABAYASHI, Ken'ichi Discrete Math, Graph Theory, Algorithm, Theoretical Computer Science
TATSUTA, Makoto Programming Logic, Lambda Calculus, Type Theory, Constructive Logic, Software Verification
UNO, Takeaki Algorithms, Computation, Optimization, Data Mining, Data Engineering
YOSHIDA, Yuichi Algorithms, Theoretical Computer Science, (Combinatorial) Optimizations
HIRAHARA, Shuichi Computational Complexity Theory, P versus NP Problem, Minimum Circuit Size Problem, Kolmogorov Complexity, Pseudorandomness
KISHIDA, Masako Control theory, Stochastic control, Continuous optimization, Applied mathematics, Deep learning
MATSUMOTO, Keiji Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, Statistics, Information Theory, Entanglement
SOEDA, Akihito Quantum information theory, Quantum algorithms
FUJII, Kaito Combinatorial Optimization, Algorithms, Machine Learning
KUROIWA, Ryo Algorithm, Combinatorial Optimization, Graph Search Algorithm, General-Purpose Solver
WELLNITZ, Philip Algorithms, Fine-grained Complexity Theory, Algorithms on Strings, Counting Problems

Information Infrastructure Science

The Construction and Enhancement of Information Infrastructure

Computer systems and information-communication networks form the foundation of information systems. In Information Infrastructure Science field, lectures and research instructions are provided to address the theoretical and practical issues in the topics of computer architecture, parallel and distributed processing, high-performance and dependable computing, network architecture, protocol, security, resource management, and performance evaluation methodology.

Research Introduction

The past 10 years and the next 10 years - Prof. GOSHIMA, Masahiro

A processor is the heart of a computer system. However, some say no more speedup of the processors is needed. I heard such opinions 10 and 20 years ago. If so, can they live with computers of 10 or 20 years ago? A good programmer only writes programs that can neatly work on existing processors. From another aspect, precisely because the processor speedup has been promising, wide variety of new applications have been developed. This continuous speedup provides the basis for the information society. A speedup in clock frequency, which had been one of the major factors for the processor speedup, stopped more than 10 years ago. Even after that, the performance improvement of processors has been continued by architectural means. My laboratory tries to extend the performance improvement of processors to the next 10 or 20 years, not by reforming existing techniques, but by a fundamental reconsideration on processor architecture.

Keyword list
AIDA, Kento Cloud Computing, IoT, Parallel and Distributed Computing
FUKUDA, Kensuke Internet Protocol, Traffic Measurement, Analysis and Modeling, Scale-Free Network, Small-World Network
GOSHIMA, Masahiro Computer Architecture, Microarchitecture, Digital Circuitn
ISHIKAWA, Yutaka System Software, Operating System, Communication and File IO middleware, Parallel and Distributed Processing
JI, Yusheng Network Resource Management, Mobile Computing
KOIBUCHI, Michihiro Parallel Computers, Interconnection Networks, Network-on-Chip, System Area Networks, High Performance Computing
KURIMOTO, Takashi Network Protocol, Network Node Architecture
KANEKO, Megumi Wireless Communications, Mobile Networks, Internet-of-Things (IoT) wireless systems
SATO, Hiroyuki Internet Trust, Decentralized Autonomous Network
TAKAKURA, Hiroki Cyber Security, High Performance Network, Secure Networking, Data Mining
TAKEFUSA, Atsuko Parallel and Distributed Computing, Resource Management Technologies, Cloud Computing, Inter-Cloud, Edge Computing, IoT
URUSHIDANI, Shigeo Network Architecture, Network Service Systems

Software Science

Software: Enabling Technologies for IT

Software technology is the foundation of all industries and daily activities. In the era of widespread use of AI, software with high quality, functionality, and reliability is critical to building next-generation information systems. This field addresses relevant research questions in software science, including fundamental software technologies such as programming languages, software engineering, distributed systems, and advanced software technologies such as data engineering, machine learning, real-world data analysis.

Research Introduction

Big sensor data management and analysis - Prof. TAKASU, Atsuhiro

Nowadays many devices like smartphones are equipped with various kinds of sensors and big sensor data are gathered from them. By analyzing them, we can detect various events in real world. We study technology for managing and analyzing the big sensor data. We developed distributed spatio-temporal index for processing those big data, which speeds up sensor data retrieval by the order of magnitude. We also study latent models and peak detection algorithms for detecting anomalies in sensor streams. These techniques are applied to real world problems such as detecting incidents in large traffic network from GPS data from cars. We are tackling the problem of detecting the symptom of bridge faults from health monitoring sensors installed at bridges.

Keyword list
HASUO, Ichiro Logic, Automaton, Category Theory, Formal Methods, Cyber-Physical System, Optimization, Machine Learning
KITAMOTO, Asanobu Data-driven Science, Digital Humanities, Earth Environmental Informatics, Image Processing, Digital Archives, Open Science
SATOH, Ichiro Cloud computing, Ubiquitous computing, Middleware, OS, Distributed computing
TAKASU, Atsuhiro Data Engineering, Sensor Data Analysis, Text Mining
ISHIKAWA, Fuyuki Software Engineering, Testing, Formal Methods, Software Engineering for Machine Learning-based Systems
SEKIYAMA, Taro Programming Languages, Type Systems, Formal Verification, Machine Learning
AOKI, Shunsuke Autonomous Driving, Cyber-Physical Systems, Real-Time Systems, Embedded Systems, Mobile Robots, Internet of Things
KATO, Hiroyuki XML, Databases, Functional Programming, Xquery

Multimedia Information Science

Information Systems, as "media" that appropriately offers relevant information

This field studies a variety of different problems from "media": theories and technologies that are necessary for processing target information consisting of different media; theories and technologies as the foundation for efficiently handling large amounts of media information; basic technologies for media processing in general, such as pattern recognition and signal processing; and media utility for interactions between people and information systems or among people.

Research Introduction

Real-Time Object Detection in Live-Streaming Videos - Prof. SUGIMOTO, Akihiro

Video object detection is the task to localize objects in each frame in a video. In particular, object detection technique from live streaming videos has a wide range of applications, including robotics, vehicles, smartphone, and surveillance systems. Based on the deep neural network framework, we leverage spatiotemporal information in a video and develop methods that stably and accurately detect objects in a live-streaming video in real time.

Keyword list
ARAI, Noriko Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Base, Reading
SATO, Imari Image-based Modeling and Rendering, Computational Photography
SUGIMOTO, Akihiro Computer Vision, Digital Geometry, Human-Computer Interaction
YAMAGISHI, Junichi Speech Information Processing, Machine Learning, Speech-Based Human Machine Interaction, Speech Database, Biometrics, Media Forensics
IKEHATA, Satoshi Computer Vision, 3D Reconstruction, Multi-View Stereo, Photometric Stereo, Deep Learning
KATAYAMA, Norio Multimedia Information Processing, Multimedia Information Retrieval
KODAMA, Kazuya Image Sensing, Image Restoration/Reconstruction, Image/Video Coding, Visual Communications
KOYAMA, Shoichi Acoustic Signal Processing, Physics-informed Machine Learning, Inverse Problem, Spatial Audio, Active Control
ASANO, Yuta Computer Vision, Image processing, Physics-based vision, 3D reconstruction
MO, Hiroshi Pattern Recognition, Video Content Analysis

Intelligent Systems Science

AI Technology Enhancing Human Intelligent Activities

AI is an emerging technologies that facilitates human intelligence activities using intelligent systems. The Intelligent Systems Science course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of various advanced research topics in intelligent systems and aims to cultivate skilled human resources capable of creating core technologies in intelligent systems.

Research Introduction

Exploring social knowledge through Web - Prof. TAKEDA, Hideaki

Our society is deeply engaged with Web, i.e., various social activities are mostly done with Web and they have furthermore been changed by Web. Web Informatics is the area of research in which data on Web is analyzed and modeled as social behavior to create new mechanism and architecture for future Web. It includes social network analysis of social media data such as Twitter and knowledge extraction from Wikipedia as collective intelligence. For instance, we collect and analyze NicoNico Douga data to model how people create new movies as massively collaborative process. We are also building the knowledge graph by RDF from data in the Web. The knowledge graph is built by collecting and connecting various knowledge sources including DBpedia Japanese. It is expected to work as artificial social intelligence.

Keyword list
AIZAWA, Akiko Natural Language Interface, QA, Knowledge Acquisition, Document Analysis, semantic parsing, dialogue systems
INOUE, Katsumi Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine Learning, Logic Programming
PRENDINGER, Helmut Artificial Intelligence,Deep Learning, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management
TAKEDA, Hideaki Semantic Web, Knowledge Sharing, Community-Support System, Design Theory
YAMADA, Seiji Human-Agent Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction
BONO, Mayumi Sociolinguistics, Conversational Informatics, Utterance, Embodied Action, Sign Language, Conversation Analysis, Social Interaction
MIZUNO, Takayuki Computational Social Science, Econophysics, Complex Networks, Big Data, Human Behavior
SUGIYAMA, Mahito Machine Learning, Data Mining, Statistics, Knowledge Discovery, Bioinformatics
KOBAYASHI, Taisuke Intelligent Robots, Machine Learning, Data-driven Control, Human-Robot Interaction
KURITA, Shuhei Vision and Language Models, Language Understandings in the Real-World, Natural Language Understandings and Computer Vision, Large Language Models, Natural Language Processing
SATOH, Ryoma Machine Learning, Data Mining, Graph Theory, Optimal Transport, Information Retrieval, User-side Realization
SHIGAKI, Shunsuke Intelligent Robots, Neuroethology, Data-driven Control, System Identification, Mechatronics
SUGAWARA, Saku Natural language processing, Computational linguistics, Natural language understanding, Machine reading comprehension, Task design, Machine learning

Information Environment Science

An Indispensable Academic System for Achieving the Information Society

The information environment is a new concept for viewing the following as a whole: information, information-communication infrastructures, information management, circulation and retrieval systems, people, and social foundations. It has been regarded as an indispensable academic system for achieving the information society. This field sets digital documents and academic information environments as the core subjects and studies the basics to application.

Research Introduction

Relationship between press release and scientific publication - Prof. NISHIZAWA, Masaki

Scientometrics is the study of measuring and analyzing science, technology and innovation.
We are exploring the basic points of academic research from the relationship between excellent research and support / investment of funds. Recently, we analyze factors posted from the correlation between academic research press release and newspaper publication. Research on press releases related to top-tier Japanese universities has shown a generally increasing trend over time, and the number of organizations with active press release programs has grown rapidly in recent years. In addition, academic articles related to universities in newspapers have been increasing with increase in press releases. On the other hand, it turns out that the carrying rate in newspapers varies considerably depending on the journals and fields in which the original paper was published. We are conducting multidimensional factor analysis from academic journal impact factor, Altmetrics, and other measurable quantities.
Through these studies, we are trying to find effective investment methods and timing for research, factors of newspaper publication and effective methods of dissemination.

Keyword list
ECHIZEN, Isao Multimedia Security, Multimedia Forensics, Biometrics, and Privacy
KANDO, Noriko Information Retrieval, Information Access Technologies, Text Processing, Evaluation Methodology and Metrics
SUN, Yuan Personalized Learning, Cognitive Diagnostic Modelling, Knowledge Tracing, Bibliometrics
YAMAJI, Kazutsuna Scholarly Communication, Database, Open Science, Research Data Management
NISHIZAWA, Masaki Scientmetrics, Bibliometrics, Research Trends, Statistical Analysis
OKADA, Hitoshi Electronic Commerce, IT-enabled Services, Electronic Money

Informatics Program, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI

国立大学法人 総合研究大学院大学 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立情報学研究所 / National Institute of Informatics