Course Fees and Scholarships

Course Fees

Admission Fee: 282,000yen
Annual tuition: 535,800yen (Semester Tuition: 267,900 yen)


  1. Special RA Program
    This is NII's unique scholarship program. Especially excellent students(privately financed international students and Japanese students) are eligible.
    <Amount of provision>
    - Monthly scholarship: 144,000 yen at maximum (as Research Assistant compensation)
    *The amount of Monthly scholarship will be determined by screening.
    - Admission fee, tuition fee and Travel expenses for entrance are covered.(international students only)

  2. Research Assistant(RA)
    NII will employ all new students as Research Assistant (excepting for MEXT scholarship students and working students)
    Research Assistant is an employment scheme for students and students can address the works which are related to their research theme, under supervision by their supervisor.
    <Hourly wage>
    D1 and D2 in 5-year course students: 1,200 yen (Monthly pay: 90,000 yen (Approx.))
    Doctoral course students: 1,300 yen (Monthly pay: 100,000 yen (Approx.))

Other financial aids

Tuition Exemption

Students, who have financial difficulties and an outstanding academic record, may be exempted from their registration and tuition fees (half or whole amount). They need to apply for the exemption and pass screening.

Tuition Exemption:

Financial aid program to attend "Top Conference" / SOKENDAI Short-Stay Study Abroad Program

Informatics Program establishes a financial aid program to encourage students to participate in prominent international conferences (Top Conference).
SOKENDAI offers programs to support students who perform collaborative study or an internship abroad longer than 2 weeks.

SOKENDAI Student Dispatch Program:

SOKENDAI Special Researcher

This is a system at SOKENDAI by which students enrolled in the doctoral program are appointed as special researchers whose research and other expenses are subsidized.

For more information about the SOKENDAI Special Researcher program, please see the following page.

JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists

"Research Fellowship for Young Scientists" is a program provided by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to offer outstanding students an opportunity to concentrate on their research. If your application is accepted, you will receive the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows) as well as monthly stipend.

Research Fellowships for Young Scientists:

Informatics Program, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI

国立大学法人 総合研究大学院大学 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立情報学研究所 / National Institute of Informatics