イベント情報 |
イベント情報 |
2009年(平成21年度) |
日時・場所 |
国立情報学研究所 20階 講義室1,2
セミナー: 無料
ランチミーティング(原則としてご参加ください。): 2,000円
※昼食代は、昼食会場(3階喫茶)で徴収させていただきます。領収書をご用意します。 |
・氏名 ・所属 ・連絡先をご記入のうえ、【第8回SPARCセミナー参加申込】と題して、電子メールまたはFAX にて下記宛にお申込ください。また、【受付票】を返送しますので、当日ご持参ください。
申込期限: 平成22年1月26日(火)
申込先: 国立情報学研究所 学術基盤推進部学術コンテンツ課図書館連携チーム IR/SPARC担当
E-mail co_sparc_all@nii.ac.jp FAX 03-4212-2375 |
Nick Evans (Chief Operating Officer, ALPSP (The
Association of Learned and
Professional Society Publishers))
Nick Evans joined ALPSP in January 2005 as Membership Services Manager and
became Chief Operating Officer in 2007. He has responsibility for
publishing the ALPSP journal Learned Publishing as well as for the delivery
of the full range of services available to members including seminars,
training, research and publications and two cooperative services, the ALPSP
Learned Journals Collection and the ALPSP eBooks Collection. Nick has
worked in various branches of academic and more general publishing, having
started his career with William Heinemann Ltd in London. Before ALPSP he had
worked for six years for the International Labour Organization, a UN
specialized agency.
ニック・エヴァンズ、(Association of Learned and Professional
Society Publishers (ALPSP) 最高執行責任者(COO))
ニック・エヴァンズ氏は、2005年1月にALPSPの会員向けサービス局長に就任し、07年に最高執行責任者(COO)となった。彼は、ALPSPのジャーナル Learned Publishingの出版・配信、および会員向けの全サービスを担当している。すなわち、セミナー、トレーニング、リサーチ、出版、そしてALPSPが連携サービスとして提供しているALPSP Learned Journals Collection、ALPSP eBooks Collection の運営である。
谷藤 幹子 (物質・材料研究機構 科学情報室 室長)
Mikiko Tanifuji, General Manager of Scientific Information Office at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), a national research laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan. She is a managing director of NIMS Library, and a publishing director of journal publishing, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM). She is also involved in a development of social network portals in materials science. One of her major projects “NIMS eSciDoc” is a co-development project with Max Planck Digital Library, which is one of core repository service of NIMS digital library. She is a member of SPARC Japan, Publishing Board of the Optical Society of Japan, SCOPUS Contents Selection and Advisory Board.
Melinda Kenneway (Director, TBI Communications Limited)
Melinda Kenneway has worked within the scholarly communications environment for over 17 years. Her career began with Oxford University Press, with whom she worked for 13 years, achieving the position of Marketing Director for the Journals Division. Melinda became a Director of TBI Communications in early 2005. TBI is a marketing company working with a wide range of publishers and societies, author groups, libraries, and other intermediaries in the industry. Melinda holds a degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of Oxford.
メリンダ・ケネウェイ (TBIコミュニケーションズ)
メリンダ・ケネウェイ氏は学術コミュニケーションの世界で17年余りの経歴を持つ。オックスフォード大学出版局に13年勤務し、ジャーナル部門のマーケティング担当部長を務めた。2005年初頭、TBIコミュニケーションズのディレクターに就任。TBIは、出版社、学協会、著者、図書館、その他の出版業界における仲介機関に幅広く顧客をもつマーケティング会社である。ケネウェイ氏は実験心理学をオックスフォード大学で学んだ。 |
Tony O'Rourke (Assistant Director, Journals (Head of Sales
and Marketing), IOP (Institute of Physics))
He completed his first degree in European Business Administration from Middlesex University and also graduated from one of the Germany’s leading Business Schools (Fachhochschule Reutlingen) in 1984. Since leaving university, Tony has spent his entire professional career working in publishing. Previous companies include VNU Business Publications and Chadwyck-Healey, now part of CSA ProQuest. At Chadwyck-Healey, Tony was part of the team which developed the market for electronic scholarly and business full-text databases, on CD-ROM at first and developing early business models for selling academic research content on the internet. He was involved in launching many web-based research tools for research in Humanities and Social Sciences. In 2000, he joined IOP Publishing a division of the British learned society, Institute of Physics. He is Assistant Director in the Journals division of IOP Publishing, with responsibility for sales and customer services.
He was appointed a Fellow of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management in 2000. Tony is a Director and Member of the Council of ALPSP (the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers). He serves on the Publishers Association Serial Publishers Executive and works on several industry-wide committees. Outside of Publishing, Tony also serves as a Governor of a primary school in North Somerset.
Tony is married with has three children and lives just outside of Bristol, UK.
トニー・オローク (
ミドルセックス大学にて欧州経済行政学学士号を取得後、1984年ドイツの名門、ロトリンゲン専門大学ビジネススクールを修了した。大学での研究活動から離れ、出版界で働き始め、VNU Business Publications社、Chadwyck-Healey社(現在はCSA ProQuest社の一部)などに勤務。Chadwyck-Healey社では、学術・ビジネスの電子版フルテキストデータベースのマーケットを創成、開発するチームに参加した。それは当初CD-ROMだったが、後にインターネット上で学術コンテンツを提供するビジネスモデルの嚆矢となった。トニー氏は人文科学と社会科学分野における様々なウェブベースのリサーチツールの開発に従事してきた。2000年、IOP英国物理学会出版局の学協会部門に転職。現在は、ジャーナル部門のアシスタントディレクターを務め、販売と顧客サービスを統轄している。
彼はまた、2000年に Institute of Sales and Marketing Management のフェローに任命された。学会・専門協会出版協会(ALPSP)のカウンシルメンバー、ディレクターでもある。また、出版社協会の逐次刊行物担当も務め、業種を超えた複数の委員会に関与している。出版業の他では、ノースサマーセットの小学校の理事でもある。
Marketing to Libraries Worldwide: Changing Markets and Changing Times (Nick Evans)
Nick Evans considers the size of the market for journals worldwide and the
number of publishers. He uses this data to provide context for a discussion
of the changes that are occurring in the way scholarly content is delivered
and marketed. He looks at market dynamics, market changes and how open
access business models are impacting publishers in recessionary times. He
also covers some new technological initiatives: the semantic journal and
innovative methods of linking researchers as well as new ways of monetizing
and delivering content.
講演タイトル: 「ワールドワイドな図書館マ-ケテイング:変動する市場と時代 」
View from the front line: what do librarians want? (谷藤 幹子)
Marketing to Libraries: A Strategic Overview (Melinda Kenneway)
The environment within which publishers and libraries operate has changed almost beyond all recognition. Our focus in the last decade has been on adapting our products and services to fit this new environment, but have we adapted our approaches to marketing them sufficiently? In this talk Melinda will challenge publishers to raise their game and find better ways to attract the interest and build loyalty of library buyers.
出版社と図書館を取り巻く環境は、予断を許さぬほどの激しい変化に見舞われてきた。過去10年間、我が社は新たな環境に適合しうる製品とサービスの提供に主眼を置いてきたが、果たして、我々のアプローチは図書館へのマーケティングとして十分なものであっただろうか?本講演において、メリンダ氏は、出版社にレベルアップを促し、図書館の関心を引きつけ、かつ信頼関係を築くためのより良い方法を見出すべきだと問いかける。 |