第6回 SPARC Japan セミナー2008
「IFを越えて- さらなる研究評価の在り方を考える」
日時・場所 平成20年11月25日(火)14:00〜17:00
国立情報学研究所 12階会議室

IF(インパクトファクター)は、40年以上にもわたり、ジャーナル評価基準として存在してきた。それは、IFの独自性と論理の明解さによって、多くの人々に支持を受けてきたためであり、また、現状のIFに対する多くの批判も、IF以外の評価基準がいままでなかったということに他ならない。近年、IF以外の評価基準を求めて、さまざまな試みがはじまっている。今回のセミナーでは、IFの算出根拠でもあるWeb of Scienceを基礎データに、新たな角度からジャーナルを評価しようとする試みをご紹介したい。一方で、研究評価に関するIFの誤用は後を絶たない。学術評価を数値化するためには、IFはもっとも明解であるように見えるが、「IFはジャーナルの評価であり、掲載された個々の論文の評価ではない」。




根岸 正光 引用度からみた電子情報通信学会発行誌の評価 

電子情報通信学会誌 Vol.87, No.9, 2004




司会: 永井 裕子 (日本動物学会)











永井 裕子 (Yuko Nagai)





The Usage Factor Project


Martin Richardson

(Managing Director, Academic Books and Journals, Oxford University Press)








Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge


Jevin West

(Department of Biology, University of Washington)








研究評価・雑誌評価のためのビブリオメトリックス指標: 現状と課題(Bibliometric indicators for the evaluation of research and scholarly journals: Present situation and issues)


根岸 正光 (Masamitsu Negishi)

(国立情報学研究所教授・SPARC Japan運営委員長)












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国立情報学研究所 学術基盤推進部学術コンテンツ課コンテンツチームSPARC担当
E-mail co_sparc_all@nii.ac.jp FAX 03-4212-2370

Martin Richardson (Managing Director, Academic Books and Journals, Oxford University Press)

Martin Richardson has held a variety of positions at Oxford University Press over the past 20 years. He is currently Managing Director of the Academic Books and Journals Divisions, where he is responsible for over 3,000 print and online publications across a broad range of subjects.

As a department of the University of Oxford, OUP is keen to experiment with new ways of increasing dissemination of research and educational material by employing new technologies and business models. Under Martin’s leadership OUP began online journal publishing in the early 1990’s and in 2000 launched the first of many online reference publications - the Oxford English Dictionary. In 2004 Oxford Scholarship Online was launched, providing a platform for the publication of OUP’s extensive monograph programme.

Martin has represented OUP on a number of publishing industry organizations, including ALPSP, PLS and CrossRef. He is a regular speaker at conferences and has also published papers on various aspects of online publishing.

Jevin West (Department of Biology, University of Washington)
Jevin West is an ARCS Fellow in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington. His general research focus is mathematical biology. Specifically, he is interested in network theory and its application to a wide range of problems in biology including antibiotic resistance and disease evolution. His quantitative approach to biology has led him in all sorts of different research directions in other fields as well, including the field of bibliometrics. He is the head developer of Eigenfactor.org - a free website that provides tools and resources for librarians, journal editors, researchers and publishers to assess the ever-expanding scientific literature. Jevin has spoken about Eigenfactor at Harvard, Stanford, the European Science Foundation, SLA, ALA, the Council of Science Editors and the National Academy of Sciences.
根岸正光 (国立情報学研究所教授・SPARC Japan運営委員長)

略歴: 1945年生。東京大学経済学部卒、同大学院経済学研究科経営学博士課程修了。 東京大学助手、同助教授を経て、学術情報センター教授(データベース研究部門)等。 現在、国立情報学研究所、総合研究大学院大学教授。 2008年10月、第37回情報化月間・情報化促進貢献・経済産業大臣表彰。 著書:「研究評価―研究者・研究機関・大学におけるガイドライン」(丸善、2001)他。


Masamitsu Negishi is Professor of National Institute of Informatics (NII) Japan and chairs the executive committee for SPARC Japan. He has educational background in economics at Tokyo University, and served at the university as Associate Professor. His later career includes the posts of professor and director at International & Research Cooperation Department of NII and the dean of School of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Graduate University for Advanced Studies. His research topics cover scientific information databases, bibliometric studies of research trend and development of scholarly communication.

◆The Usage Factor Project (Martin Richardson)

COUNTER statistics provide a reliable comparison of the amount of usage between journals, but they do not provide a meaningful usage-based measure of relative quality or value since a large journal will on average generate significantly more downloads than a small one. The Usage Factor Project was established in 2007 by the United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) to examine whether it would be helpful to develop a metric base on usage data to complement citation-based metrics such as the Impact Factor. This presentation summarizes progress to date and the research that is currently in progress.

◆Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge (Jevin West )

For decades, citation counts and impact factor scores have been the primary currency for evaluating scholarly journals. While these measures have the virtue of simplicity, they discard much of the useful information that is inherent in the structure of citation networks. The Eigenfactor algorithm (http://www.eigenfactor.org/methods.htm) takes into account not only how many citations a journal receives but also where those citations come from. This is a similar approach to how Google ranks web pages, but instead of ranking websites, we rank journals and instead of using hyperlinks, we use citations. This approach to bibliographic data also allows us to map scientific communication over time. This can be a useful tool for placing a journal in the context of the rest of science. We understand, though, that no metric or statistical tool will ever replace reading papers as the best form of evaluation. However, with increasingly limited time and limited budgets of librarians, journal publishers, editors and scholars, there will continue to be a legitimate need for quantitative measures of the scholarly literature. We would like to think that Eigenfactor is a step in the right direction.

◆研究評価・雑誌評価のためのビブリオメトリックス指標:現状と課題 (根岸 正光)



最終更新日: 2009年5月27日