Online ISSN:1349-8606
Progress in Informatics  
No5. March 2008  
Page 99-136 PDF(6230KB) | References
3DCG reconstitution and virtual reality of UNESCO world heritage in danger: the Citadel of Bam
Kinji ONO1,Elham ANDAROODI2,Alireza EINIFAR3,Nobuaki ABE4,Mohammad Reza MATINI5,Olivier BOUET6,Frank CHOPIN7,Takashi KAWAI8,Asanobu KITAMOTO9,Asaka ITO10,Eskandar MOKHTARI11,Saeed EINIFAR12,Seyyed Mohammad BEHESHTI13, and Chahryar ADLE14
1,2,5,9National Institute of Informatics, 3University of Tehran, 4,8Waseda University, 6,7L'ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture Paris Val de Seine (ENSAPVS), Virtual Space of Conception in Architecture and Urbanism (EVCAU), 11,13Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization, 12Raazaahang Architectural Firm, 10Ergovisions, 14Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique
(Received: August 10, 2007)
(Revised: November 27, 2007)
(Accepted: January 8, 2008)
This paper provides a report of a research project on virtual revival of the Citadel of Bam, a UNESCO world heritage site in danger that was destroyed in an earthquake in 2003. The simulation of damaged buildings that lies along the primary axes of the citadel and 3-D reconstitutionusing state-of-the-art 3DCG tools are presented. The key approach to 3-D modeling of the destroyed buildings is complementary usage of heterogeneous data such as 2-D maps, photos, cartography maps, and sketches in collaboration between different teams. As the basic 2-D maps had error, analytic and comparative research is conducted on diverse data resources to createa knowledge-basefor the3DCG restoration of the site. The process of modeling is completed with regard to the complicated and curved mud brick buildings with traditional architectural details. For this purpose proper functions of the tools is selected and in some cases different tools are used. The modeling is done by linking the component with their semantic by a metadata-based layer naming process. The tasks of evaluating the historical, architectural, and technical details of the 3-D buildings are done in parallel with the modeling by a team of CG and architecture experts in order to increase the precision of the 3DCG reconstitution so that it can be used as a reference for the physical restoration. The first trial version of virtual reality demonstration of the main axes of the Citadel of Bam is described. The paper concludes with proposals to enhance the process of simulation and also to open the restricted views of the virtual reconstitution on Internet.
3DCG, virtual reconstitution, Citadel of Bam, 3-D modeling, heterogeneous data, semantic layer management,modeling technical evaluation, virtual reality demonstration
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