For General
Services that comprehensively provide academic content compiled through collaboration among university libraries, academic societies and researchers; e.g., CiNii (NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator) and KAKEN (Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
CiNii (NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator)
Display of citation references information on treatises and links to full-text.
KAKEN (Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
This site presents a brief overview on themes (themes when initially adopted) and results (e.g., reports and reviews) of the research themes funded by grants-in-aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
For Academic
Services aimed at the entire academic community; e.g., Science Information NETwork (SINET), Catalog Information Service (NACSIS-CAT/ILL), Institutional Repositories Program (IRP) and Academic Access Management Federation (GakuNin)
The Science Information Network (SINET) is an information communication network connecting universities and research institutions throughout Japan via nationwide nodes. SINET4 plays an important role as the core component of the Cyber Science Infrastructure (CSI) as the successor of SINET and Super SINET.
The Catalog Information Service supports operations at institutions such as university libraries, offering Online Shared Cataloging System (NACSIS-CAT) and the Interlibrary Loan System (NACSIS-ILL).
NII Institutional Repositories Program (IRP)
Universities and NII jointly work for various scholarly contents to realize the next generation scholarly content infrastructure. Institutional repositories are to serve for acquiring, organizing, preserving, and disseminating such scholarly information. They are a set of services by academic institutions for their academic communities to manage and publish digital contents they create.