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NACSIS-IR Usage Status for Fiscal 1997 (Top 10 Databases)

Based on NACSIS-IR usage statistics for the 12 months of fiscal 1997, the table below lists the top 10 databases in terms of number of connections, connection duration, and number of records output. The union catalog related databases occupy the top positions overall. Among databases produced outside NACSIS, the Japanese Periodicals Index and the Science Citation Index Expanded were the most popular. Among databases produced by NACSIS, the Directory of Researchers was the most widely used. Finally, among databases supplied by researchers, such as the Index for General Information of Home Economics Research were used the most often.

RankingNumber of ConnectionConnectionsConnection durationMinutesNumber of records outputRecords
1Union Catalog of Books67,842Union Catalog of Books704,770Union Catalog of Books793,361
2Union Catalog of Serials40,816Union Catalog of Serials386,075Japanese Periodicals Index425,029
3Japanese Periodicals Index19,327Japanese Periodicals Index117,883Union Catalog of Serials379,636
4Directory of Researchers12,080Directory of Researchers81,486JPMARC160,565
5Science Citation Index Expanded9,493Science Citation Index Expanded65,517Science Citation Index Expanded157,622
6JPMARC8,012JPMARC65,448Register of Grant-in-aid Scientific Research107,448
7LCMARC (Books) 4,547LCMARC (Books) 40,553LCMARC (Books) 104,955
8Academic Conference Papers3,650LCMARC (Serials) 24,800Directory of Researchers99,731
9Social Sciences Citation Index3,228Academic Conference Papers21,796Economic Titles Japan80,072
10COMPENDEX PLUS3,100Index for General Information of Home Economics Research18,040Index for General Information of Home Economics Research78,843