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“Directory of University Processors and Researchers in Japan (1996)” Issued on CD-ROM

The “Directory of University Processors and Researchers in Japan (1996),” which was issued in February 1997, contains information on more than 130,000 persons affiliated with universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, institutions utilized in common by universities, etc., throughout Japan. It is used by many university libraries and research institutions as a source of information on research trends in Japan.

Due to the enormous amount of information it contains, the print version of the “Directory of University Processors and Researchers in Japan (1996)” runs to a total of 8,338 pages and nine volumes. Now all of this information is available on a single CD-ROM. This CD-ROM version of the “Directory of University Processors and Researchers in Japan (1996)” also features a variety of search functions, including full-text kanji search capability.

  1. Overview of the CD-ROM edition
    Directory of University Processors and Researchers in Japan (1996)
    Supervised by:
    National Center for Science Information Systems (NACSIS)
    Edited by:
    Association for the Promotion of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering
    Issued by:
    Kinokuniya Company Ltd.
    Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51/4.0 compatible
    Japanese environment required.
    ¥110,000 (excluding tax) ISBN4-314-90006-7
    Special discount price for together with the print version:
    ¥88,000 (excluding tax) ISBN4-314-90007-5
    CD-ROM, search manual, storage case
    Date of publication:
    June 19, 1998

  2. Included information
    Listings include the following information on approximately 130,000 scholars: (1) name, (2) institution(s) affiliated with, (3) position, (4) academic background, (5) academic degrees, (6) scholarly association(s) affiliated with, (7) academic prizes awarded, (8) field of study, (9) research subject(s), (10) research activities (publications, papers presented, academic activity, fieldwork).

  3. Search methods
    There are two search methods available: directory search and keyword search. There are three directory search options: “listed by field of study”, “listed by name in Japanese kana order” , and “listed by affiliated institution”. This is the simplest search method. The user simply picks out the desired items from a menu using a mouse.
    The keyword search allows users to locate information by inputting keywords for any of five items: (1) name, (2) institution(s) affiliated with, (3) field of study, (4) final academic background, and (5) research subject(s) and research activities.

  4. Store availability
    Kinokuniya Company Ltd.
    International Business Division
    38-1 Sakuragaoka, 5-chome, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-8691, Japan
    Tel: +81-3-3439-0162
    Fax: +81-3-3439-0136

  5. Related information on the NACSIS Web site (Japanese only)