NIIテクニカル・レポート (NII-2004-008J)

タイトル 特許出願と産学連携 ―東京大学における共同特許出願状況の分析―
著者名 柴山盛生、矢野正晴、玄場公規、玉田俊平太、富田純一、藤井都百
概要     According to Yano's work, it has been revealed that the diversity of the team in manufactures is closely connected to the team's creativity. The system of industry-university cooperation is one of most effective methodology in Japanese R&D activities for the promotion of creativity. The purpose of this report is to search the actual condition of joint application for patents as a style of industry-university cooperation.
    Authors picked up the University of Tokyo as a test field of this research, because the university is a typical research university in Japan and authors easily identified whether researchers belong to the university or not.
    In this research, authors summed the number of patent application in the university from 1991 to 1999. The number of patent applications and acquired are about 3,000 and 500, respectively. This report contains time trends, table classified by the IPC, faculties, and top rankings by inventors and applicators, so on.
言語 日本語
公開日 2004年10月26日
ページ数 23頁
PDFファイル 04-008J.pdf
