

Korean Scripts Implementation of NACSIS-CAT

Professor, NACSIS

(1) Professor, NACSIS, National Center for Sciences Build., 2-1-2, Hitostsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Fax: +81-(0)3-3556-1916; E-mail: miyazawa@rd.nacsis.ac.jp; http://www.nacsis.ac.jp The paper was delivered at 2F Conference Room in the National Center of Sciences Building on Thursday March 23rd, 2000.

1 Introduction
2 Organization
3 Issues
4 Schedule

1 Introduction

In January 2000, NACSIS-CAT system is renovated as multi-script database system using ISO 10646 UCS code. But, still some tasks, such as indexing algorithm or data coding conventions, must be done for implementing individual language. For Chinese, production run started in this January. NACSIS's next target is Korean. This is a brief introduction to what we are now planning.

2 Organization

"Working Group for Korean Materials Database" under "Union Catalog Subcommittee" of NACSIS (members including specialists outside NACSIS) will draft the plan.

3 Issues

The working group has just started, and issues for the discussion are just coming out. Currently as follows:

- Cataloging rule to refer
- Character set for cataloging and Transcription convention
- "Reading" or transliteration
- Analysis of KORMARC
- Migrating existing Korean records

4 Schedule

Target date of production run is autumn 2002. For this target, working group draft is published in December 2000. Data coding conventions and coding manuals will be revised in summer 2001 and system revision (if needed) will take place by the summer 2002.
