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Commemoration of 100 Thousand Holding Registration by UK Members

The number of monograph holding records from UK libraries passed 100 thousand in 1998. The UK NACSIS-CAT project started in 1990, and since December 1991, a union catalog of Japanese-language materials held by participating organization in the United Kingdom has been maintained. Even after the conclusion of the project at the end of fiscal 1995, remarkable progress has continued right up to the present.

To mark the occasion of the number of records held passing 100 thousand, NACSIS presented the letter of gratitude to the participating libraries in recognition of their efforts. The photo on the right shows the presentation of one of the certificates of gratitude to Ms. Izumi K. Tytler, the Bodleian Japanese Librarian, University of Oxford.

The libraries to which certificates of gratitude were presented:
- British Library Oriental and India Office Collections
- Cambridge University Library
- Bodleian Japanese Library, University of Oxford
- East Asian Stuides Library, University of Sheffield
- Stirling University Library
- School of Oriental and African Studies Library, University of London