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Dr. Wolfgang Zick, Professor Sheila Intner and Professor Nick Moore

- International Sharing of Japanese Scholarly Information -

NACSIS began a research project entitled “Study on International Sharing of Japanese Scholarly Information” (Project Leader: Prof. Hitoshi INOUE, Deputy Director General, NACSIS) in 1998, supported by a grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture.

Plans call for three groups of visiting scholars, a total of seven persons, to be invited to Japan this fiscal year. The first group consisted of following three participants and their stay lasted from January 4 to January 13, 1999.

On January 5 an exchange of views on the development of academic information systems in Japan was held at NACSIS.

On January 6 the following presentations were delivered at the International Seminar House for Advanced Studies in Karuizawa.

On January 7 the group visited the National Diet Library and heard a presentation on the activities of Japan's National Central Library and the plans for a Kansai Library.

Then, on Friday January 8 at NACSIS and on Monday January 11 at the Kyoto University Library, the following presentations were delivered.

Plans call for written versions of these presentations to be issued as a report for fiscal 1998 in March 1999 and distributed to university libraries throughout Japan. In closing, we wish to express our gratitude to the National Diet Library and the Tokyo University Library for their assistance.

Dr. Wolfgang ZICK, Ph.D.,
Deputy Librarian, Universitatsbibliothek Hannover und Technische Informationsbibliothek UB/TIB
Professor Sheila INTNER,
Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, MA
Professor Nick MOORE,
Professor, City University, London

January 6, 1999
at NACSIS International Seminar House doe Advanced Studies in Karuizawa
January 8, 1999 at NACSIS
January 11, 1999
at Kyoto University Library
Dr. Wolfgang ZICKElectronic Document Delivery in the Federal Republic of GermanyGerman Projects related to Digital Libraries
Prof. Sheila INTNERBuilding Research Collections in the DigitalThe Changing Role of Bibliographic Control and Knowledge Management
Prof. Nick MOORERights and Responsibilities in an Information SocietyIs the European Information Society Working? A Review of Progress in the Member Countries