
1. Domain Visualization Based on Authorized Documents
author: Kenro AIHARA(National Institute of Informatics), Atsuhiro TAKASU(National Institute of Informatics)
abstract: In this paper, we showour visualization approach for supporting interactive document retrieval based on authorized documents, such as survey articles or domain dictionaries.
We assume that it is effective for accessing the required information resources that the system let users recognize the information space inclusively. Our research, therefore, aims to support users to access the information resources, which the user require, through the interaction between visualized information space and the user. We will use the term ”domain visualization”to refer to visualizing the structure based on contents of the domain. We use Self-Organizing Maps to classify documents and visualize the domain. We show an effectiveness of using domain dictionaries as feature of documents and survey articles as initial sets of SOM learning.

2. An Application of Local Relevance Feedback for Building Comparable Corpora from News Article Matching
author: Nigel COLLIER(National Institute of Informatics),Akira KUMANO(Toshiba Corporation, Research & Development Center),Hideki HIRAKAWA(Toshiba Corporation, Research & Development Center)
abstract: We present the application of Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) techniques to building comparable corpora from database collections of news story threads in English and Japanese. The results from two sets of experiments are analysed. The first applies CLIR methods to building comparable multilingual corpora. The second simulates a CLIR task on a database of news articles. In both sets of experiments we focus on the role of local relevance feedback which is used to expand and refine the query term list after it has been translated into English with machine translation and dictionary-based methods. Our experiments highlight the contribution made by term weight refinement and expansion. We find that the benefit of relevance feedback on disambiguation error as a result of refining original term weights is marginal, and that the major benefit to performance comes from term expansion on a few highly scored documents.

3. Face Detection and Facial Feature Localization for Human-machine Interface
author: Md. Al-Amin BHUIYAN(National Institute of Informatics),Vuthichai AMPORNARAMVETH(National Institute of Informatics), Shin-yo MUTO(NTT Cyber Solutions Laboratories) , 上野 晴樹(National Institute of Informatics)
abstract: This paper presents a robust and precise scheme for detecting faces and locating the facial features in images with complex backgrounds. The system is based on visual and geometrical information of the face from the image sequences and is commenced with the estimation of the skin area depending on the similarity measure of the hue and luminance components of the images in the YIQ color space. Facial features, such as eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrow, etc. are then localized from face skeleton with the knowledge of the face geometry.
A genetic algorithm has also been developed for the detection of face and different facial features in gray scale mode. Experimental results demonstrate that this face detector provides successful results for the images of individuals which contains quite a high degree of variability in expression, pose, and facial details.

4. An Overview of Researches on Ubiquitous Computing Networks
author: Shigeki Yamada(National Institute of Informatics), Eiji Kamioka(National Institute of Informatics)
abstract: The ubiquitous computing is the method of enhancing computer use by making many computers available throughout the physical environment, but making them effectively invisible to the user. Here, the computers are logically invisible rather than physically invisible: Invisible computing allows the computers and communications devices to recede from being the central focus of the user’s attention into the invisible computing world, so that they work in the background without being noticed by users.
This paper overviews the basic ideas, technical issues, on-going research activities on ubiquitous computing from not only the stand-alone computer technology viewpoint, but also from the networking and service viewpoints.

5. A Review of Theories of Speech-Gesture Coordination
author: Nobuhiro Furuyama(National Institute of Informatics)
abstract: This paper discusses some of the major psycholinguistic theories of coordination between speech and gesture proposed in the recent years. Among the theories of speech-gesture coordination to be discussed here are two modular theories (Lexical Retrieval model and Sketch model), two interaction theories (Growth Point theory and Information Packaging Hypothesis), and yet another hypothesis that gesture derives from instrumental action. In discussing these different theories, we clarify the nature of the issues and try to determine which theoretical approach is most promising.

6. Psychological Research Trend on Creativity
author: Yuan SUN(National Institute of Informatics), Shunya INOUE(Tokyo Kasei University)
abstract: Creativity is an interesting and extremely important topic but received relatively little research attention in the field of psychology. The complexity of the phenomenon of creativity and difficulty in its research methodology might be considered as the reasons why this may have occurred. However, in recent years psychological and empirical studies on creativity began to increase and the importance of creativity research is recognized again. In this paper, we first analyze the number of publications on creativity in Psychological Abstracts from 1900 to 1999 by searching the PsycINFO database. After that, we review and summarize the varieties of creativity research in terms of methodology and definitions of creativity. Furthermore, we will discuss promising direction for future creativity research in psychology, focusing on the continuity of eminent creativity and everyday creativity, and confluence approaches recently proposed.

7. The framework of the practical remote communication education system for the China Police
author: ZHANG Xiaoping(National Institute of Informatics)
abstract: In this paper a framework for the practical remote communication education system to be built on the communication network special for Chinese Policy is presented based on the analyzing the needs and the remote education systems of IT-advanced countries, like Japan and America. The education system is planned to be used for training the front policies and enhancing their capability to apply computers. The infrastructure of the policy information communication, application of advanced technologies and technologies and the management modes, etc. are discussed. Finally, the effect which adopts a remote communication education system as means is considered.